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Fall Harvest

Corn Maze

Petting Zoo

Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Bowling

Pumpkin Cannon

Pumpkin Slingshot

Tractor Ride

Corn Pit

Fall Harvest Events and Activities


Harvest Time members in Brentwood are going all out to provide holiday activities, a bit of learning, and a whole lot of fun for the kids this fall. From corn mazes to pumpkin patches, from pomegranates to pecan pies, your family can enjoy the best of what fall has to offer without leaving town. Special arrangements can also be made for schools, daycare providers or other youth groups to visit some members’ farms for an educational field trip. 

G&S Farms

G & S Farms


G & S Farms:  Open September 28th, 2024

After a busy summer season, we think our October Pumpkin Patch is the perfect family activity to enjoy in Brentwood’s ideal autumn climate. Pick pumpkins right off-the vine, get lost in our corn maze or enjoy our other seasonal activities like our pumpkin-chuckin’ cannons or our Hocus Pocus movie night!  Make the most of your fall with a visit to our pumpkin U-Pick!


>> For More Information Visit G & S Farms

Smith Family Farm Fall

Smith Family Farm


Smith Family Farm: Open September 28th, 2024

The Pumpkin Harvest is much more than just a pumpkin patch. Included in the admission fee are live music performances, encounters with farm animals, an observation beehive, an herb garden where you can make a bouquet to take home, a replica Native American village and a natural atmosphere you can only find on a real, working farm. Pumpkins are free with admission, with additional pumpkins for sale at our fruit stand.

>> More information about Smith Family Farms

Three Nunns Farm Fall

Three Nunns Farm 


Three Nunns Farm: Open September 21st, 2024

Our Farm Opens for U-Pick Pumpkins, Tractor Rides, Corn Mazes & Family Fun! 


>> More information about Three Nunns Farm