Pomeroy Farm

Pomeroy Farm

1600 Eureka Avenue Brentwood

We Are Currently:Closed

The Trees are starting to Bloom here at the Pomeroy Farm. We look forward to seeing you soon.


U-Pick: Champayne Coral, Bing, Royal Ann, Brooks, Skeena, White Rainier and Sweetheart Cherries. Springcrest, Sierra Gem, Redtops, Flavorcrest, Spring Lady and Summer Flame yellow peaches. Babcock Royal Blush and Galaxy “UFO-Donut” white peaches. Patterson, Katy and Westley Apricots. Sparkling May, Diamond Ray and Sparkling June nectarines. All at our 1600 Eureka ave. Orchard. We are open in May, June and July. Our Orchard is custom designed and groomed to give it a Park like feel. Hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm. Visit our website or check us out on Facebook and Instagram.


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