The author C.S. Lewis once wrote, “You can make anything by writing.” Rick Lemyre, a local historian, writer, philanthropist, and business owner, has used the power of storytelling to highlight the history of far east Contra Costa, elevate the present community, and paint a picture for what the future of Brentwood can be. As we begin to say farewell to Rick as he prepares to move across the country to enjoy a well-deserved retirement with his family, the Harvest Time in Brentwood community celebrates Mr. Lemyre’s contributions to not just Harvest Time, but to the greater area. Thank you, Mr. Lemyre, for sharing the stories that make our East Contra Costa communities so special.
Who Is Rick Lemyre in Brentwood’s Landscape?

Rick Lemyre (Front Center) – Brentwood Press
Rick Lemyre is a longtime Brentwood resident with a background in journalism. Rick co-founded the Brentwood Press, which continues to be a beloved local publication highlighting hometown events. Another way Rick has preserved the history of Brentwood is by acting as the Executive Director of the John Marsh Historic Trust. He has worked as an editor for other local publications, including the Contra Costa Times and Delta Living magazine, while also playing a pivotal role as a grant writer and mentor at ODAT – Brentwood’s One Day At A Time Chapter. He is the Program Director at Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed and a longtime volunteer at El Campanil Preservation Foundation and the East Contra Costa Historical Society. At Harvest Time in Brentwood, we are honored for the growth and perspective he has given us as our Marketing Director.
Together, Mr. Lemyre has taken on the roles and responsibilities that have given him the foundation for storytelling and community growth in ways few other people can do. He has formed powerful relationships, while also dedicating hours of his time to supporting the labor that these organizations and non-profits require to not just stay afloat, but to support the people and missions they each represent. When Rick writes a story, floats an idea by you, or sits down to problem solve and figure out how to bring a new vision to life, you can be sure his ideas will be a powerful step forward in building our community in a way that respects our history and celebrates the people of our communities. Rick has not just shared the narratives of our community, but he has been an active part of bringing them to life.
Rick Lemyre Shares The Stories of Local Agriculture
At Harvest Time in Brentwood, our mission is to educate the general public about farming and our products while improving Agro-tourism education in Brentwood and our surrounding communities. We have become increasingly successful at meeting this mission due to the commitment of Rick Lemyre. From creating exciting content to attract people to Harvest Time’s website to meeting with our farming community to learn the best ways to support their farms, Rick has been a voice for our farmers and Harvest Time. We will forever be grateful for his passion for our agricultural lands and commitment to the farming community.
A Harvest Time Commitment to Maintain The Integrity of Lemyre’s Storytelling
Mr. Lemyree is a Brentwood Citizen of the Year, owned a Brentwood Business of the Year, has been awarded the Life-Saving Award, and has won the title of many journalistic awards. He has also helped create the Harvest Time community that proudly represents the local agricultural community. We are honored to have worked with Rick and grateful for his contributions. As he moves forward to enjoy the fruits of his retirement, we will remain committed to the integrity of storytelling that Rick has created for the agricultural and farming community. It is with heartfelt thanks we celebrate Rick’s retirement.