U-Pick can be a wonderful family activity. It allows you to spend some time outside, enjoy time with your family and friends, and bring home some sweet, juicy and delicious fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also a unique opportunity to meet some of the farmers who are dedicated to providing you with fresh fruits and veggies to enjoy. Plus, the experience of actually harvesting your own produce is unique and truly a treat. However, it is important to realize that U-pick farms are a privilege. By following some simple guidelines, you can ensure the gift of U-Pick farms remains one you can enjoy for many years to come.

Photo by ronessexphotography.com
At Harvest Time for Brentwood, many of our farmers will have their house rules near their fruit stands. But, these guidelines are great ones to review with your family and friends before you arrive at the orchard. This will show respect for the farmers and ensure you have an excellent and safe U-Pick experience.
- Never climb the fruit trees: Trees are fragile and are not designed to support your weight. Once a branch is broken, it will jeopardize the entire tree and expose it to disease and insects and decrease the amount of fruit the tree can provide. Plus, it is a safety hazard. Visiting an orchard should never end in a trip to the ER.
- Only pick the fruit you intend to pay for: Once you pick the fruit, you must purchase it. Teach your kids to pick ripe fruit – unripened fruit will not mature. Remember, if you pick-it, you pay for it.
- No pets: Please leave your pets at home. They are not allowed on the farms due to health regulations.
- Do not steal from the farmers: It may seem like you are just tasting the berries as you pick, but taking and consuming fruit without paying is stealing. Farming is a difficult business – support the farms, the farmers and the high-quality fruits and pay for what you pick.
- If you drop fruit, pick it up: Please make every effort to pick up the fruit you drop and purchase it so no fruit is wasted. Farming is labor-intensive and dropped fruit will rot and attract rodents and insects we work hard to keep away from the crops.
- Use appropriate restroom facilities: We know you are outside. However, we ask that you use restroom facilities to relieve yourself. Our orchards are well-maintained and provide food for all our visitors. Do not soil the ground and plan ahead. Not all farms have restrooms available.
- No picnics: Picnics are not allowed at the orchard. If you bring snacks or water bottles, please take any packaging or empty bottles with you and dispose of your trash in appropriate receptacles.
- Watch your children closely: Orchards can be wonderful places of adventures and exploration for children. However, keep your children within arms reach. Fields can be muddy, irrigation equipment abounds, and trees can be tempting to climb. Watch your children closely to ensure they are not injured and do not damage trees or expensive farm equipment.
- Be considerate of the property and other guests: Keep in mind that you are truly at someone’s home. Be respectful of the property and other visitors to the orchard. Please do not smoke.
- Enjoy the experience: Enjoy your experience at the orchard. Ask questions about the fruit, try more than one variety and only buy the amount of fruit you can eat in a week. Share your experience with your friends to continue supporting our local farm community.
To view a list of U-pick farms, visit our farm page.
Current Farms offering U-pick or Pre-picked Strawberries:

Photo by ronessexphotography.com