Harvest Time has long celebrated the opening of the U-Pick season in May. The harvest begins with strawberries and cherries and is followed up with a wide variety of stone-fruits and corn, to name a few of the delicious fruits and vegetables that come from our vibrant farming community. The global pandemic has put a pause on many local celebrations due to recommendations put forth for people the “Shelter-in-Place” and to practice social distancing that keeps us ‘safe at home.” Fortunately, health officials from the Contra Costa Department of Agriculture have approved the opening of our U-Pick season with proper adherence to special guidelines to keep the farms, farmers, and community members safe. Learn how you can enjoy the flavors of U-Pick this year while taking extra precautions during this unprecedented growing season.
Determine Which Farms Are Open
Keep in mind that not all of our Harvest Time members are open to the public. To ensure that the farm you desire is open for U-Pick guests, make sure you visit our “Find A Farm Page.” This page will outline which farms are open, what seasonal produce they have available, and the hours of operation.
A visit to the website before showing up at the farm will also tell you if there are any unique processes and procedures you need to follow to take advantage of the growing season. Every farm will follow the guidelines put forth by the Contra Costa Health Services and Contra Costa Department of Agriculture. However, they may also have their own precautionary measures in place for you to follow.
Be Respectful of the Rules As Outlined By Our County Regulatory Boards
It is always customary to respect the rules that farmers and our local regulatory boards put forth. However, due to the unique situation of the U-Pick season this year, there are other guidelines that you must follow to be permitted inside the orchard for picking. Please take note of the following rules.
- All guests over the age of 2 must wear a mask at all times inside the orchard and waiting in line to pay. Guests under the age of 2 should not wear masks.
- Do not bring bags, backpacks, or ice-chests inside the orchard. They will not be allowed.
- Practice physical social distancing of at least 6-feet. You should maintain the 6-foot distance between you and other guests to the farm who are outside of your family unit. The 6-foot distance should be practiced inside the orchard and while waiting in lines.
- If you touch the fruit, you pick the fruit. Do not just grab – be mindful of your preferred pieces of fruit and gently pull it. You are required to pay for all the produce you pick.
- If you are bringing your children, please keep them with you at all times. These are working farms. Additionally, social distancing requires our children to practice a 6-foot distance from others.
- While waiting in line, follow the designated markings points. Wait until the guest in front of you has collected their produce before you place yours down to pay.
- Please contact your favorite farm for their preferred payment method. If cash, please try to bring exact change.
Extra Precautions You Can Expect From Harvest Time U-Pick Farms
As guests to the farms are asked to practice additional precautions during this U-Pick season, our farmers are also taking extra precautions to keep you and your family safe.
- There will be a maximum number of guests allowed into the orchards. This will accommodate more natural social distancing practices. Plan your day accordingly to ensure you arrive at the farm at least impacted hours.
- Farms will post instructions at the entrance of the orchard. These instructions will direct you to maintain 6-foot distances at all times from other guests, as well as other farm-specific rules.
- Employees at the front end of the farm will direct guests to scale and pay areas to help maintain social distancing guidelines. Many farms will have designated cones or marking on the floor to indicate 6-foot increments.
- Surfaces will be disinfected and sanitized regularly. These surfaces include tables, pay area, reusable bins and buckets, shared tools, railings, etc.
- Checkout stations will meet distancing guidelines.
- When possible, farms will provide handwashing stations and/or offer hand sanitizer to customers. Many farms will ask that you wash your hands before entering and upon leaving the farms.
- Employees of the farm will be encouraged to follow respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene.
U-Pick Will Provide Fresh, Flavorful Fruits and Vegetables
There is no doubt that the year has been full of challenges. Quickly changing recommendations and interest over the well-being of the community has planted much concern for many of us. However, the one thing we can commit to is ensuring there are fresh, flavorful, and nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables available to you from our Harvest Time members. The guidelines are different this year – however, the quality of our products is exactly as you remember it.
Be sure to reach out to us if you have any questions. Reach out to your preferred farms and begin to schedule your day of U-Pick.
We encourage you to follow us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM as we will be providing updates, along with a list of farms that will be offering fresh pre-picked options.
Download full U-PICK Guidelines here
The following are best practices to help U-Pick farms maintain the health and safety of employees and guests while on the farm during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pay with Credit/Debit or other electronic payment method if possible
- All guests must wear face-covering per County Health Directive. No entry without it (must supply your own)
- Recommend guests wear gloves to protect you and others
- If you show signs of illness please stay home or do not enter the farm.
- Increase the frequency of handwashing and sanitizing, especially after touching public surfaces.
- Wash or disinfect all products purchased before consumption
- Don’t touch or pick fruit/products unless you intend to purchase it
- Maintain at least 6 feet social distancing between other farm visitors and staff at all times
- The farm is limited to a small number of guests at a time, so be prepared to wait.
- Personal bags, containers, or ice chests are prohibited
- Group gatherings on the farm are prohibited
- No picnics or food consumption is allowed
- Be prepared to wait until the customer in front of you has completed purchase before approaching the scale or pay area
- Wash hands before and after interacting with anyone
- Stay informed and responsible by checking updates purchase it on the CDC website as well as the Contra Costa Health website.
There has been no known transmission of COVID-19 through fresh produce. It is a respiratory virus that spreads through person-to-person contact. It is crucial that all guests take a proactive approach to avoid the spread of the virus.
For more COVID-19 information, visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCov/
The following are best practices to help U-Pick farms maintain the health and safety of employees and guests while on the farm during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Require employees to wear gloves when handling money and, if possible, use cards to limit the handling of cash.
- Require all employees and guests wear face-covering per County Health Directive (eff. 4/22/20)
- Ensure that all workers who show signs of illness stay home.
- Review all health and safety rules with employees.
- Increase the frequency of handwashing and sanitizing, especially after handling cash.
- Disinfect all surfaces on a regular basis.
- Provide increased handwashing stations and/or sanitizer to all guests and employees.
- Require all guests sanitize or wash hands before entering the field
- Enforce social distancing between farm visitors and also staff near the entrance, checkout, and exit
- Enforce social distancing between farm visitors and also staff near the entrance, checkout and exit.
- Consider using online ticketing to schedule u-pick times
- Establish and maintain a maximum number of customers in picking area to maximize social distancing and avoid overcrowding
- Place markers where guests line up to indicate 6ft spacing
- Buckets can be replaced with single-use bags
- Ask customers to wait until the customer in front of them has finished completed their purchase before approaching the scale or pay area.
- Modify procedures to make interactions as “Contact-Free” as possible
- Communicate all rules with visitors through increased signage in prominent locations on the farm.
- Communicate with visitors that if they feel ill, they should not come to the farm.
- Postpone all large gatherings to avoid crowds.
- Post additional signage reminding customers to wash all produce well before consuming.
- Communicate your enhanced practices to customers by posting on social media, newsletters, or website.
- Stay informed and responsive by checking updates on the CDC website as well as the Contra Costa Health website. https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/
There has been no known transmission of COVID-19 through fresh produce. It is a respiratory virus that spreads through person-to-person contact. It is crucial that all farms take a proactive approach to avoid the spread of the virus.
For more COVID-19 information, visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/